Current JoyPoll results for 712 entries:
So what do you think is Billy Gates most impressive wizard power?
His Spell of Acquisition, ... in the time it takes to read this, he may have bought you. |
53 |
7% |
His ability to conjure up other people's good ideas, ... I bet he got that idea from somewhere. |
332 |
46% |
His Antitrust Incantations, ... all those hours spend sticking pins in the Janet Reno voodoo doll seem to have paid off. |
109 |
15% |
His psychokenetic abilities. For instance, animating a paperclip with his mind, ... poor Clippy, the rest of us just want to un-animate him. |
49 |
6% |
The patience to stay with Lord Ballmer all these years, ... they are stuck with each other, it was part of that deal with the Devil. |
93 |
13% |
I cursed the results. |
76 |
10% |
May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the Goblet of Gob.
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