The JoyPoll was... |
So, why do you think DigitalBill gets all the pussycats?
- He's got catnip in his pocket.
- They want to be a part of his Mac pride.
- It's his Jaguar Genius shirt!
- He's a Solid Nitrozanium SuperFan. Nuff said!
- This must be an imaginary episode. In reality, it was a Linux party and it was me, surrounded by Linux chicks!
- Because DigitallBill has borrowed Tom Jones's mojo.
View the Results |
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Diesel Sweeties!
Danapoppa asks Which Linux, and why? , ... GMx speculates about the Newton To return As iPhone? , ... and on Letting Your Eyes Do The Typing , ... alphacomp has a Pocketstation! , ... GameMaster is No longer a bumb , ... SpikeSpiegel exclaims look at that , ... while Chris Moss has a Twin Fantasy.
And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... the full pic of the Jaguar Catgirl that Lex demanded, gets mirrored and made into a desktop by Chris Moss. :)
...and don't forget... those SuperFan Voluntary Subscriptions! Get access to the SuperFan Clubhouse, and as a Super treat, Solid Nitrozanium SuperFans can appear in the comic!
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